Thursday, 2 August 2012

Gobbledegook, Plato and the Nobel Prize

This is a slapped wrist blog. One which I must back date to the 12 June 2012. We met at Rob's house and Chris was reading.

The meeting started with the most amazing relevation. We discussed Chris's full name: Christopher James Aston Smith and asked if Aston was due to a footballing affiliation. Chris replied that it was after Great Uncle Frank. Francis William Aston, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1922, no less.

A quick search on Google gave the following information:
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922 was awarded to Francis W. Aston "for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule".

This explains shows where he gets it from!

We moved onto Chris's extract from KM&CD.

Linda thought the extract contained lots of interesting ideas but felt that there was still a problem with flow. She also accepted that although Chris was reading Zen and the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance during the journey that she didn't necessarily think it was wise to include too much of it in this book.

Tony enjoyed the daydreams of philsophising and the madness and sanity within the piece.

Clive was on top form and contributed some fantastic one-liners into the mix:
'I don't know if it's you or if it's Plato but it's goobledegook to me.'
'I don't think you can start with Plato; you should start with an amoeba.'

Rob commented on the high standards of writing but felt that links between sections were still missing. He requested more details about the trucking.

I found the piece to be thought provoking and challenging and for the first time I felt that most of it was just about within my grasp.

And so onto the news...

Rob has submitted a short story to the Bridport Prize.

Tony has also submitted a short story 'A Game of Chance' to the Bridport and is busy combining two hefty articles on mental health practice into one 5 000 word article.

Linda has had a month off from her mentoring.

Clive, I'm afraid that my notes are a little sparse here and I have you down as: met a bloke, eggs.

I submitted three pieces of flash fiction for the Bridport Prize.

Sorry to all for the delay.