Tuesday 19 January 2010

'Paws for Thought' by Rose

I wood like to sayyy that I am a little disa um.. disa $%ppoint?ed that my ayms for 2010 wurnt discust. I wont to bee offishal maskott for yore groooooop and tayke minits from Robbs lapp. I also wont to hav Bosun the bulldog over for tee becoz he iz very yumyum. Iff yoo wont to contakt meeeee on the Interpet yooo can sendd mee a pee-mail on rosie@poodlemail.com

1 comment:

  1. I propose we put Rosie's application to be 'maskott' on hold until her minders acquaint her with the mysteries of the apostrophe (qv Robbs lap). I'm prepared to accept indifferent spelling from a canine but poor punctuation is a crime too far. (Nice picture though, Rosie.)
